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A crazy busy mom of two with no time to do this blog this but I am here anyway...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Texas Blue Bonnets

My Girls and the beauty of the Blue Bonnet Flowers.
This is a annual Texas tradition for many people here in the state. This is the first year that we have been able to find them and be prepared the the photo opportunity. They are really pretty and make for a good photo. Oh ya the flowers are pretty too ;)

Morgan's First Dance Competition

Morgan and The Dance Space Company team performed three dance numbers. They scored 2 high golds and one gold. They also scored 10th overall. I am also proud to announce that they...ME...got first place for costumes. Phil had to endure the loss of his wife for several days and hours while I helped size and assist in the design for the costumes for the tweleve girls. I personally did Morgan's costume along with one of the other's while providing creative help for the others. It was an amazing first competition, we are so proud of the girls.

The girls wait on stage for the announcement of the results.

Morgan and Ms. Tera

"This is Halloween"
The Nightmare Before Christmas

Morgan and her dance sister Emma

In the dressing room waiting for showtime!

The Dance Space Dance Company "Hippy Shake"
Morgan is on far right of the stage.